Gingivectomy, sometimes called gum reduction surgery, is a safe and predictable procedure for removing excess gum tissue from the front surface of the teeth.

When gums extend too far onto the front surface of the teeth, the natural balance between the length of the teeth and the height of the gums is lost.  This can make the teeth appear too short.  With a gingivectomy, we can return your gums to a more healthy and attractive condition.

A gingivectomy might also be necessary to remove diseased tissue.

The procedure

At McGue Dental Care, your comfort is important to us.  The first step is to make sure that all of the involved areas are completely numb.  We then carefully make a small incision and remove the excess gum tissue.

After a couple of weeks, the area will be completely healed, and it will look much more natural, with the gums tight against the necks of the teeth.